Design and manufacture of technologies for a large capacity painting hall for surface treatment.

CORROTECH ENGINEERING s.r.o. provides highly professional services in the field of surface preparation and application of special coating systems for the most demanding stress environments and various industrial equipment. The POLYGLASS VE vinyl ester coating system filled with special glass microflakes is the ideal choice for long-term corrosion protection of the interior parts of chemical storage tanks, protecting the substrate of the steel structure from the effects of corrosion.
CORROCOAT has been successfully fighting corrosion for more than 45 years. It uses innovative mechanical engineering combined with anti-corrosion technology to provide long-term protection for both new and damaged equipment. It uses special composite and structural coatings in conjunction with technical processes to individually address corrosion problems. With a focus on quality, refurbishment procedures are a proven, cost-effective weapon to win the battle against corrosion in the long term.